Chamber Events

Event Listing

Thursday, July 20, 2023Committee Meeting

Membership Committee Meeting

Membership Committee Meeting

The Membership Attraction and Retention (MAR) Committee is charged with: maintaining a strong growth in membership through targeted new member recruitment activities that effectively communicate the value of membership to community businesses; Promoting the ongoing value of membership to member businesses through personalized contacts with member business representatives and other initiatives that monitor member needs, member satisfaction, and their perception of Chamber Value; communicating the Return On Investment to Members and engaging them in GGCC activities.

All Chamber Members Welcome to Join and Attend our Meetings


Thursday, July 20, 2023 11:00 AM

This meeting will be held on zoom. The meeting login details will be delivered the week prior to the event. 

Contact Angela LaPadula for information -

For More Info:
Angela LaPadula
301.840.1400 x17

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